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Become a Foster Parent with Kids Above All

November 2, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Join Let It Be Us and Kids Above All and become a foster parent! 


Together With Kids Above All we cover everything from “What is foster care?” to “What is the current need for children in foster care?” and “What is the process to becoming a licensed foster parent?”


Our Become a Foster Parent with Kids Above All events are open to current and future foster & adoptive parents. During our 90-minute event, a Kids Above All Licensing Expert, Let It Be Us Foster Care Expert, and a licensed foster parent discuss how to obtain a foster care license, what it means to be a foster parent, how to navigate adoption through foster care, the trials, tribulations, challenges, love, and more. You will also learn about the specific processes Kids Above All uses to license foster parents.

Topics we cover in our Become a Foster Parent with Kids Above All:

What makes Kids Above All special?  What is emergency foster care?  What is respite foster care?  What is the difference between specialized and traditional foster care?   What is long-term vs. short-term foster care mean?  What does “the child’s goal” mean?  How is that determined?  By whom?  What role does the foster parent play?  Why do kids in care move to lots of different homes?  Why do some end up in group homes?  What do most kids need from a foster parent?  How do you actually adopt from foster care?


November 2, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Category:


Let It Be Us
View Organizer Website

Want to become a foster parent?