Back to School Basics for Children in Foster Care
- Foster Care , Latest News
- August 22, 2022

This summer has been great and feels like pre-pandemic times with festivals, concerts, and family vacations returning in a booming way. But with the end of summer comes another season… Back to School season!
- Check the school supplies list from your school and check it twice; big box stores are having sales on school supplies; if you can pick up additional supplies to avoid running and reduce spending more throughout the school year
- Chicago and surrounding suburbs are having school supplies and backpack giveaways. Check out this information on giveaways in Chicago.
- Did your child transfer this year to a new school? If so, check to see if the school has different requirements than the previous school.
- Check the school’s handbook to see if there is a dress code; Is there a specific uniform or clothes required for students?
- Make sure you have a copy of your child’s IEP or 504 plan. If you need a copy, contact the teacher or school case manager. Was there anything that did not get addressed last year about your child’s special education needs? I encourage foster parents to start communicating with the school staff early on in the school year. This is a great time to connect with the school counselor or case manager to address it and get a meeting scheduled before their calendar gets full.
- Schedule a physical exam or vaccination appointment
- For the college students: prepare a list of items you need to take with you to school and check if you need help moving to your dorm or apartment. Items to consider are furniture, bedding, clothes, laptop, toiletries, and creature comforts (microwave, coffeemaker, tv, cozy blankets, and slippers)
Enjoy these last days of summer and have an outstanding school year!
About Let It Be Us
Let It Be Us is a nonprofit organization dedicated to changing the landscape of foster care and adoption in Illinois. Our mission is to inspire foster care and adoption so more children in care grow up in stable, healthy homes. Funds raised will go to programs that build a strong and innovative bridge between our waiting children and foster and adoptive parents. Learn more at

Karron Shaw brings 15 years of experience as a child welfare professional to the Let It Be Us staff. She has worked in the child welfare system as a licensing supervisor, director for residential care programs and as a care coordinator and operation manager. Shaw graduated from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with a Bachelor’s Degree and has her Master’s Degree in Child and Family Law from Loyola University Chicago. In addition, Shaw has a great passion for training and onboarding new hires and ongoing training for employees. Shaw is also experienced in the foundational aspects of children in the Illinois child welfare system.