Let It Be Us Announces Chromebook Initiative – Helping Children in Foster Care Complete Their Education
- Latest News
- August 27, 2020

Let It Be Us Announces Chromebook Initiative
Helping Children in Foster Care Complete Their Education
Dear Allies of Let It Be Us,

Our Let It Be Us Chromebook Initiative provides children in foster care with the most important tool with the highest educational impact, allowing these children to successfully distance learn as more and more schools announce e-learning plans. Let It Be Us is partnering with LCT Green – Laptop Computer Technology – specializing in technology and education.

There are many school systems throughout Illinois that cannot afford to provide each child with a Chromebook. Our children in foster care will suffer the most.
For a donation of $200, you can provide a child in Illinois foster care with a Lenovo Chromebook and charger. Donations may be made here: https://letitbeus.org/donate-to-let-it-be-us/
Requests for Chromebooks may be made by caseworkers, court appointed special advocates, or child welfare professionals here: https://letitbeus.wufoo.com/forms/direct-support-request-child-in-foster-care/

Further, the Chromebook will belong to the child, and if the child moves through foster care, the Chromebook follows him or her.

Join Let It Be Us in this important initiative at this important time. You provide the donation, we do all the work, and our children will be able to do their work. Please make your donation here.

About Let It Be Us
Let It Be Us is a 501(c)(3) Child Welfare Agency licensed through the State of Illinois. Our programs and initiatives significantly change outcomes for the children we serve. We increase the number of Illinois licensed foster homes through recruitment programs, we educate new foster parents and directly refer them to agencies via our experienced licensing coaches, we manage a database of open and licensed homes to serve children in emergent need and those who are challenging to place, and we offer direct support to children the children foster care that we serve. We operate through grants and donations. We operate solely in Illinois.

The Let It Be Us Programs and Initiatives
Foster Parent Recruitment: We recruit new families throughout Illinois with a particular target of Cook, Lake, McHenry, Will, and Kane Counties. We recruit via our forward-facing and optimized website as well as live events. During the pandemic we are now hosting Zoom Foster Parent Recruitment Webinars which has allowed us to expand our reach and depth. We operate on a professional Zoom platform and our attendance has tripled compared to our traditional events. You are welcome to attend a Let It Be Us Zoom Foster Parent Recruitment Webinar by registering here.

Foster Parent Licensing Coaching: We utilize our coaches, who are experienced licensing experts, to counsel new recruits, educate them, and refer them directly to agencies in their area, saving agencies time and increasing the specific types of homes they need. To work with a coach and reach your goals faster please use this link.

Targeted Recruitment: Our experienced recruitment team offers a customized solution for placements for each caseworker or investigator in a speedy and timely manner. We utilize our aggregated database of over 700 licensed homes and our free subscription-based platforms reaching thousands of licensed parents while targeting specific locations and demographics. Through this program we assist caseworkers and investigators in serving children who are primarily in emergent need and those who are challenging to place. To use this program, as a licensed foster parent or as an agency, please use the link on the front page of our website.

Direct Support: We provide impactful support for children in Illinois foster care – with the goal of making a profound difference – funding Chromebooks, tutoring, an educational trip through school, or helping an older teen aging out of foster care get his or her on her feet. To utilize this initiative please use this link.