Let It Be Us Receives Grant From the Ronald L. McDaniel Foundation to Host a Series of Virtual Job Fairs Designed For Young People in Foster Care and Those Recently Aged Out
- Latest News
- July 19, 2024

Let It Be Us has secured a grant from the Ronald L. McDaniel Foundation to host a series of Virtual Job Fairs through our Springboard to Adulthood Program. The first Virtual Job Fair will be held on September 21, 2024. This Virtual Job Fair is designed for teens and young people in or recently aged out of foster care, hosted by the Let It Be Us Independent Living Program “Springboard to Adulthood.”
This is a unique opportunity to meet and interact with hiring managers from local, prominent companies, all eager to share information about their organizations and available job opportunities. Each company will present a brief introduction to their business, followed by a session for questions. Industries include:
- Restaurant industry
- Manufacturing industry
- Food industry
- Parks & Recreation industry
- Childcare industry
This event is tailored to help you explore potential job paths and connect with employers who are committed to supporting your professional growth.
- This event is free and open to CASA, foster parents, caseworkers, child welfare professionals
- Access to this event is completely virtual via Zoom
- Registration for this event is required
- During the event, attendees will have the opportunity for question & answer
Questions may be directed to Kendra Wright, Program Manager for the Springboard to Adulthood Program, at kendrawright@letitbeus.org
About Let It Be Us
Let It Be Us is an Illinois 501(c)3 and licensed child welfare agency dedicated to changing the landscape of foster care and adoption in Illinois. The mission of Let It Be Us is to provide collaborative, innovative solutions of effective recruitment and placement for children in Illinois foster and adoptive care. The Let It Be Us vision is for all children in the Illinois child welfare system to achieve educational equity, employment equity, and overall well being through the incorporation of Let It Be Us Programming into statewide advancements in foster care adoption recruitment and placement. For more information about Let It Be Us, visit www.letitbeus.org.