DCFS and Private Agencies: How to Use The Let It Be Us Placement Support Program
- Foster Care , Latest News
- September 13, 2022

The purpose of this information is to instruct the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and private agencies on how to use the Let It Be Us Placement Support Program.
Let It Be Us is an Illinois licensed child welfare agency and we operate in the space of foster home recruitment and foster care placement. Our Placement Support Program is an open home navigator system and is available to all DCFS and Private Agency workers. The Program can locate an open and appropriate home for youth in emergent need, those who are challenging to place, and teens in need of congregate care step-down options.
We operate a proprietary database of licensed foster homes, a geo-mapping enhanced texting platform, and extensive search tools. If there is an appropriate and open foster home based on demographics and particular need we can, within a high degree of certainty, locate it.
In 2021 our Placement Support Team assisted in 262 cases. In 2022, to date, our Team is on track to work on more than 600 cases, more than doubling the number of cases in one year. This increase speaks to the success of this program which ultimately:
- alleviates strain on workers
- reduces the time (and nights) kids spend in offices
- provides placements faster
- alleviates shelter capacity
- alleviates congregate care capacity
- improves permanency
Again, this Program is available to all DCFS and Private Agency workers. To utilize this program please follow these steps:
- Visit the front page of www.LetItBeUs.org
- Click on the box addressed “Caseworkers, Investigators and Advocates Request Placement Support.”
- Complete the form which primarily tells us the demographics and particular information about the type of licensed foster home in need – NOTE: please always use this form. HERE IS THE DIRECT LINK.
- Expect a phone call and/or email from our Placement Support Team. It is important to answer your phone and emails during this time of our search.
It is important to note that agencies are not required to share homes. The Placement Support Program operates as a protective layer, allowing agencies the opportunity to share homes. Our experienced Illinois child welfare staff works hard to provide excellent customer service and many agencies, workers, advocates and youth have benefited from this program.
Should anyone want to learn more about this program or work more closely with Let It Be Us, please feel free to contact me at any time.
Susan McConnell
Executive Director of Let It Be Us
About Let It Be Us
Let It Be Us is a nonprofit organization dedicated to changing the landscape of foster care and adoption in Illinois. Our mission is to inspire foster care and adoption so more children in care grow up in stable, healthy homes. Funds raised will go to programs that build a strong and innovative bridge between our waiting children and foster and adoptive parents. Learn more at letitbeus.org