Humans of Adoption – Carey’s Story- Foster Care and Possible Adoption – Let It Be Us
- Foster Parent Recruitment
- November 24, 2020

Carey’s Humans of Adoption story is one of foster care and a possible adoption. The Let It Be Us Humans of Adoption series tells different stories and perspectives on what it is like to adopt a child through foster care. You can read these stories on our blog (here) and on our social media channels.
During National Adoption Awareness Month we will be working to help you understand and navigate the complications of foster care and adoption. For those who are interested in learning more, consider attending one of our informational webinars on foster care and adoption at
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He came to me when he was five days old. I wasn’t planning on a newborn baby, so when he was brought to me with a car seat, bag of diapers and formula, it felt like the stork had dropped him off. I didn’t have a pacifier or bottles or really anything for a newborn. But when I was told a few hours later that they might take him to another home, I held on tight – I found a day care in less than a day to ensure I could keep him.
He just turned one year old and I’m learning how to live without a plan – just like we all are during this crazy plan. I am acutely aware that I am watching him grow up and his biological family is missing so much. I want his family to be connected to him. But if everything lines up, I’d also adopt him. That is foster care. That is what I signed up for and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
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Let It Be Us is a 501(c)(3) Child Welfare Agency licensed through the State of Illinois. Our programs and initiatives significantly change outcomes for the children we serve. We increase the number of Illinois licensed foster homes through recruitment programs and events, we educate new foster parents and directly refer them to agencies via our experienced licensing coaches, we manage a database of open and licensed homes to serve children in emergent need and those who are challenging to place by working with caseworkers and investigators to make faster and stronger placements. We also offer direct support to children the children foster care that we serve. We operate through grants and donations. We operate solely in Illinois. Learn more about our programs here.